The Bathroom Blog of Your Future, hereafter known as the BBloG, aims to enlighten (slash enDlightened) and entertain the troubled and exhausted souls of our black-lunged bretheren, as well as embrace a culture and lifestyle based on choice, the choice to have an abortion, mainly. Or to not. Whatever YOU wanna do. Futhermore, the BBloG hopes to send you into your years forward with a smile, a song and a warm feeling in your throat.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Soul Kitchen

New Years Eve timetable

10pm: Conor, Angela, Jack, and Louise arrive at Victoria's apartment. They realize that their source of booze fell through so they must all share Victoria's bottle of lime Smirnoff.
10:40pm: The 5 comrades depart for location #1 (coach house). They recieve a phone call from Svedka, their Southern comrade. YAY!
10:50pm: En route to location 1, they recieve communication that location 1 is lame. Change plans and continue north to location 2 (warehouse).
10:55pm: Walk to location 2.
11:15pm: Arrive at location 2. Wait in stairwell for communication on apartment number. Drunk man in the hall allows Angela and Jack to pee in random apartment in the building.
11:30pm: Enter correct apartment. Commence drinking heavily and quickly in anticipation for midnight. It's important to note that this drinking includes Victoria doing shots of Goldschlager with Madison. Angela and Conor smoke a joint.
11:54pm: Try to climb long stairwell to roof.
11:55pm: Plan fails when door to roof is locked/frozen shut.
12am: Ring in 2009 on the dance floor with confetti, drinks, and a lot of strangers.
12:40am: Decide to leave location 2 due to lameness and drunken restlessness. Round up original 5 plus Rupert.
Total from location 2: 7 SHOTS, 12 DRINKS

12:42am: En route to location 1. Conor drinks half and spills the rest of Victoria's drink.
12:43am: Run into Leigh Ann on the street. Excitement all around. Invites comrades to party at her place Friday!
1:00am: Arrive at location 1. Make one round through house, greeting friends. Important to note that coats were kept on in order to go back outside immediately and smoke cigarettes.
1:15am: Still outside. Angela gets in a fight with Navy man - Louise breaks it up, as usual.
1:17am: Back inside the party. Louise, Conor and Angela smoke a bowl, unbeknowst to their comrades, namely Victoria and Jack.
1:18am: Victoria discovers fireplace. She hovers nearby, discussing its wonders with Andy, who built the fire. Angela leaves location 1 and goes home.
1:30am: Louise commandeers a free pineapple shot, courtesy of a kind and intoxicated bartender/party host.
1:46am: Conner spills drink.
1:52am: Conner spills "wine" all over floor, curitian and wall. Party foul number three.
2:00am: Hans flirting with Louise becomes too much for her. She tells him that Victoria has been her girlfriend for the past five years. He is intimidated and backs off - fuck yeahhhhh fucker!
2:15am: Conner spills Louise's drink. Party foul number four....
2:30am: Leave location 2. Walk to public transportation.
Total from location 1: 2 SHOTS, 6 DRINKS, 4 PARTY FOULS BY CONOR.\

2:36am: Conner and Louise pee in well lit alley way.
2:40am: Pass 24-hour diner. Decide hunger wins over need to go home.
3:30am: Leave diner after kickass meal, despite horrendous service.
4:13am: All comrades arrive home safely. A good night was had by all.

*NOTE: drinks and shots are total from all 5 comrades.
*NOTE: happy fuckin new year.

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