The Bathroom Blog of Your Future, hereafter known as the BBloG, aims to enlighten (slash enDlightened) and entertain the troubled and exhausted souls of our black-lunged bretheren, as well as embrace a culture and lifestyle based on choice, the choice to have an abortion, mainly. Or to not. Whatever YOU wanna do. Futhermore, the BBloG hopes to send you into your years forward with a smile, a song and a warm feeling in your throat.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Single Again

Tuesday: Margaritas
Wednesday: Tall Cans
Thursday: Good beer
Friday: Wine
Saturday: KEG
Sunday: Jug Wine
Monday: Left Over Keg

Yes, this was a week of drinking for me.

But I will speak of one night in particular. THE NIGHT O' KEG(s)....!!!

It was a dark and stormy evening and I rode my bike 8 miles in the rain and thunderstorm to arrive at Madison Wisconsin's covered in gross road wet. Madison and Bianca (who just that day had returned to the group after many months of absence) had been working on special brownies all night. I also see Svedka for the first time in weeks.

After they finish the brownies, the 10 various people who had accumulated at Madison's house march their way down the street to JerMayBeGay's house and to the keg(s). I drank so much from the keg(s). I love keg(s). Beer can never taste better. Everyone is having a crazy time: face painting, beer pong, flip cup, thunderstorms, and special brownies.

Recently I have quit the tabacco weed. However, when I am drinking I sometimes make exceptions. (Oddly enough, I drank all week so really I smoked cigarettes all week....) Anyway, I was trying to make make once such quitting exception when I meet Jimmy. Jimmy and I had been previousally aquainted at a Great Book's party. We talk a couple times during the night with some other hipster type peoples. After a couple of hours Jimmy and James (his counterpart) decide they are going to go to another party and they invite me along. I think, why the hell not? So I retreive my bicycle from Madisions and follow them.

As I ride up to the location, Jimmy and James climb out of cab. We go inside this house and meet Twitch (J and J's 16 year old friend who is totally gone by our arrival) and Bruce. The DJ had stoped spinning by the time I arrived and the kegs were sucked dry, so I wet up to the roof to look for another exception cigarette.

While asking around for a cigarette I meet a second Jimmy and his two friends, Cheech and the Bigman. At the end of the conversation Bigman proclaimed his everlasting love for me because of how awesome I was and told people I was his wife. Cheech and I had set up a green bakery. And Jimmy Two and I exchanged numebers.

Then I meet Andree and Allen. I enjoyed their company much less than the prevoius crowd. They tried to take me to another party, but instead I left with Jimmy One, James, Twitch and Bruce on a five mile epic walk to Jimmy's house. Twitch and Bruce are completely wasted and would punch shit and knock over stuff and rip plants out of planters. It was insanity. Jimmy One eventally gets bored with their drunkness and takes off walking. I catch up to him on my bike. We finally make it to his house at 5am after an hour and a half of walking with my bike. Bruce, Twitch and James arrive five mintues after us. Eventually they pass out after some drunk giggleing. I innocently cuddle with Jimmy One all night, wake up and ride my bike home.

I wonder if I will see them ever again. That night was a lot of fun.

The moral of this story is: Enjoy your kegs.

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