The Bathroom Blog of Your Future, hereafter known as the BBloG, aims to enlighten (slash enDlightened) and entertain the troubled and exhausted souls of our black-lunged bretheren, as well as embrace a culture and lifestyle based on choice, the choice to have an abortion, mainly. Or to not. Whatever YOU wanna do. Futhermore, the BBloG hopes to send you into your years forward with a smile, a song and a warm feeling in your throat.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Sound of Silence

It started with Luise at work sending a text message to Svedka.
We should call some other people. Maybe have a small party at my house? I mean small though...

Svedka goes on texting frenzy for 40 minutes.

Victoria, Madison Wisconsin, and Svedka go to The Stud for some shit food. While there, they dodge questions from Luise's boring, alcoholic, writer roommate, Hemmingway, about the goingsdown of tonight's activitys. No, you may not come over to your own house. Find something else to do.

Meanwhile, Luise is canvasing. As always. It is important to note at this point that earlier in the day, Madison was accosted by a certain environment loving organization while strolling leisurely through a gay area of town. As she claimed to already be a member to avoid the guilt trip such organizations lead, she mentioned their recent firing of our dear Luise after she failed to make her three day quota. Turns out this woman was Luise's former team leader on her first day of work. The world gets smaller, the people get uglier.

After ingesting far too much shit food, Victoria left for work to be swooned by the lovely singing voices of a non-musical conservatory during auditions. Wonderful. Svedka and Madison left for Madison's abode to... do the usual. They then joined forces with Madison's roommate, Flo'Rida. While zoning to articles about Scooby Doo and drug busts in Tennessee (YEA-UH!), Flo'Rida somehow managed to convince Svekda and Madison to accompany her to a variety show/concert her sort-of boyfriend was performing in with his band. After deciding when exactly to leave, the three decided to engage in a round of beer pong before leaving. Madison, tasked with the job of playing for both teams, was having a bomb-ass-mother-fucking night. In one game, Madison made NOT ONE, but TWO behind the back shots. TWO. Praise be to the Gods above.

Meanwhile, Luise is still canvasing.

They decided to take a cab to the variety show/concert so they could finish the beer pong game. And smoke a 'lil more. The three are pretty trashed when they finally arrive. Good times were had. Howver, as they enjoyed the progresssion of the theatrical and musical events, one question remained: How would they get from their current location back to Madison's house to get the beer and then all the way to Luise's? A quick call to Jack solved the problem. Except for the part where they didn't really know where they were and accidentally sent him downtown before realizing that the address they gave him was wrong. Oops. He found them eventually, however, and after a short drive back to Madison's house to get the beer, they were at Luise's, who somewhere between her canvasing and getting home had found enough time to get drunk as fuck.

Yes, since getting home at 10:30, Luise had broken her in Guiness cup, did her dishes and took shots. A lot of them. Victoria had also made her way to the party, as had a large sum of men from the The Institute of Technicalness. Their names: Gypsy, Russia, Mr. X, and Phelps Luck. After a few games of Shit Your Pants, the table turned... literally. It turned into beer pong. Some real janky beer pong.

Meanwhile, Luise is still canvasing... oh wait...

The party progressed. A lot of smoking and drinking was done. Flo'Rida, under the lure of Phelps Luck, was persuaded to play many, many games of beer pong. Too many. That Couple showed up at one point. The night went on... and on... and on... and on... Eventually, Flo'Rida vanished... to the bathroom. And was not seen again by anyone except Madison for a good three hours. The party cleared out eventually, Phelps Luck surely disappointed that his love had chosen the toilet over his dick. Sometimes, Phelps, these choices are not our own, but guided by a higher power. Remember that next time.

As Flo'Rida clung to the can, Svedka, Luise, Jack and Madison entertained themselves by smoking a spliff left by 1/2 of That Couple and by cooking themselves some tasty treats. Like mashed potatoes, cake and scrambled eggs. Eventually, Madison managed to get Flo'Rida off the bathroom floor and onto Luise's couch. Svekda crashed in the big round chair and Madison in the arm chair. Luise and Jack retreated to her room.

Meanwhile, Luise is sti--

8am. All members of the house wake up, if only for brief moments. Madison and a now sort-of coherent Flo'Rida prepare to take a cab home. Svekda and Luise fall back asleep. Flo'Rida, probably still drunk, vomits once again on the side of Luise's building. And in the McDonald's drive through. Finally, the two are home and in their beds and not vomiting.

Luise, back at her own house, was awoken for good at 11am by her upstairs neighbors having very loud and repetitive sex. At noon, all were roused, a wake and bake was had, and Svedka and Luise cleaned the house. They were, of course, late to see the show they were going to at 2pm. After running some errands, it was time to see their next theatrical event of the eve. Once again racing against the clock, they sped to the theatre. Madison, having slept all day from taking care of Flo'Rida all night, was also rushing to get there. Blazed as all hell, the three finally settled into their seats to enjoy the show. And enjoy it they did.

The production ended. The three headed back to Svedka's place so she could shower before they endeavored to the party they'd decided to attend. Svedka, however, decided she was too tired to go out and despite Luise and Madison's constant shouting of minute increments at her, she stayed in. Luise and Madison fled the scene and met up with a bunch of girls with whom they would go to the party. Though it started out small and sober, the keg lended itself well to them that night. And by the end of the night, it was gone.

Around 2am or so, most were ready to go. After a few confusing debacles, Madison took off to the West to head home. As she walked, she got a text message from Luise telling her she was coming with her. Thus, the two went back to Madison's place, smoked the first of the free green and slept.

Around 12:30, Luise woke Madison up when she retrieved her lighter from her room. They bid one another farewell, and headed off on their seperate journeys; Luise to her house and Madison back to sleep. When she finally woke up, she texted Svedka to find her whereabouts. Turns out, Svedka was on her way to Luise's to gather her groceries she had left there. Madison told Svekda to make a pit stop to her place to the two could indulge and then head to Luise's together. After a series of buses and some foot-longs, including a run-in with some high school friends of Svekda, they were at Luise's once again.

Another round of Shit in Your Pants, talk of learning to count cards, a few Michael Phelps jokes and beers by 5:45pm, we find ourselves here. Always here. And that was the neverending weekend.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

london calling

Luise and Svedka, after buying a pack of cigarettes and a little green, realized that neither of them had a lighter. (Luise's lighter had been commandeered by Jack.) Luise had one box of half filled matches to last them for their evening of festivities. Despite their best attempts for preservation, the matches slowly disappeared and the last one was used for kicking the bowl and also lighting a cigarette. Then they realized that they would be forced to chain smoke because they're only source of fire was the already lit cigarette. If only cigarettes could light weed. Then we'd be in business.

Chain Smoking Commenced.